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And Hotel


As you can see from that picture AND Hotel is located in such a place that will make you feel like living in the past,in Ottoman Empire times











This picture shows exactly where the AND HOTEL is.And Hotel is located in the historical center of the city. The hotel and its signboard can easily been seen from in front of Hagia Sophia. AND HOTEL is 150 meters away from Hagia Sophia, located over The Underground Cistern. The entrance of the Underground Cistern is 100 meters away from the entrance of the hotel. And all other historical sites are very close as shown on the picture...


Hagia Sophia from restaurant


Blue Mosque from restaurant


Bosphorus from restaurant

İlgili Kişi :
Adres1 :Yerebatan Cad.Cami Çıkmazı No:39 Sultanahmet/İstanbul
Adres2 :
Posta Kodu :34400
Telefon :+90 212 512 02 07
Faks :+90 212 512 30 25
Elektronik Posta
Internet Sitesi

Önemli Not:

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