
Karen Fogg Şebekesi Sıkıştı

Aralık takı AB Zirvesi yaklaştıkça “Brüksel Sevdalılarının” paçaları sıkışıyor. Brüksel’den Avrupa Merkezlerinden ikircikli, muğlak sinyaller alıyorlar. Bunun için de ,Erdoğan ve hükümeti B planları düşünmeye başlıyor. Doğu’ya , İran’a ve Suriye’ye açılım –ABD’ yi ürkütse de ,bu seçeneklerden biri olabilir. Tabii, en onurlu yol Atatürk’ün yolu ve Ankara Kriterleri olur ama Başbakan’ın bu yola, içtenlikle yönelmesi müşkül.!

AB fahri komiseri ve sözcüsü Mehmet Ali Birand telaşa düşenlerin başında geliyor. “Birkaç haftalık “ tatile çıkmadan önce ,son yazılarında yandaşı yazarları yardıma ve AB görevine çağırıyor ,; Avrupa gazetelerinde , yazı ve mektuplarını kolaylıkla – ve herhalde Birand’ın desteğiyle yayınlatabilecek, Avrupa’da ‘itibarlı” meslektaşlarından, Avrupa medyasına Türkiye’nin üyeliği konusunda yazılar yazmalarını istiyor; “hükümet ve özel sektör bu konuda ellerinden geleni yapıyor – siz de taşın altına kalemlerinizi bilgi sayarlarınızı koyun,Eylül-,Kasım döneminde seslerinizi Avrupa Kamuoyuna daha fala duyurun- gazeteci olarak görevimizi yapmalıyız... .

Çünkü Türkiye-AB ilişkileri Aralık sonunda yepyeni bir döneme girecek veya uzun dönem askıya alınacak”

Ve Birand mutadı veçhile, Türkiye eğer bir gün AB’ üyesi olursa muhayyel siyasi ve stratejik ve ekonomik-mali kazançlarımızı sayıyor. Bir dizi “cak –cık –cuk” !

Bu arada Türk Ordusu için AB içinde biçtiği rol anlamlı; “TSK,hem NATO aracılığı ile, hem Amerika hem Avrupa Güvenlik ve Savunma Politikası –Avrupa Ordusu (AGSP) aracılığıyla Avrupa’nın içinde son derecede önemli bir rol oynayacak, yeni kurulacak Avrupa Ordusunun en önemli unsuru durumuna gelecek” Aslında püf noktası da bu ya! TSK’nin Türkiye’deki saygın ve etkili konumundan, Türkiye’nin dış siyaseti ve stratejisindeki yönlendirici ,uyarıcı rolünden rahatsız olan Avrupalıklar ,- ve son zamanlarda da Amerikalılar – Ordumuzu Hollanda vb. orduları durumuna ve konumuna getirmek, Avrupa Ordusunda karar mekanizmasında hiç sözü olmayan lejyoner yapmak istiyorlar.

Evet; AB ye üye kabul edilirsek, bir sürü “cak-cuk ve cık”, ama asıl cevabı verilemeyen hayati soru şu ; bütün bunlar, ne zaman, nasıl “olacak? Cevabını ben vereyim; en erken 2020 yılında!
Birand Türk yazarların Avrupa medyasında Türkiye’nin üyeliği konusunda yazılar yazmalarını önermiş. Ben de İngilizce bir yazı yazdım

Wall Street Journal’a , London Times’a , Financial Times’a ve New York Herald Tribune’a ve The Ecomomist’ e gönderiyorum. Tabı bir kopyasını de Mehmet Ali Birand’a .
Sonunda söylediğim şu , “On, on beş yıl sürecek müzakere sürecinde TC’ni TC olmaktan çıkaracak bir çok yeni kriter ve engel dayatılacak . Bu sürede Türkiye’nin geleceğini ,kaderini ,milletimizin varoluşunu, Türkiye konusundaki tasavvurları, en azından muğlak ve şaibeli Avrupalılara emanet edebilir miyiz? Bunun için de benim arzum AB’nin Aralık sonunda hiç müzakere tarihi vermemesidir.Böylelikle kendi yolumuza kendi değerlerimiz kriterleriniz ve çıkarlarımız doğrultusunda devam edebiliriz!”

(İngilizce yazımı da bu yazıma ekliyor , okuyucularımın bilgi ve hizmetlerine arz ediyorum.



Turkey, - the Turkish Republic, the Turkish nation-, are at a critical juncture of their history. We have been hooked on, what I consider the opiate of European Union dream. And conversely, the Union seems to have hooked us and keeps us at the chained door, without giving us neither a guarantee of eventual membership, nor a definite date, for the beginning of the required negotiations for membership, despite the fact that the incumbent Erdogan government in Turkey, has been fulfilling all the legislative and constitutional requirements to conform with the Copenhagen Criteria. These radical changes, however, are destroying the very foundations of the Turkish nation state – and our r national integrity, It is rather paradoxical , if not hypocritical , that Prime Minister Erdogan and his followers before coming to power ,were very much against the EU ,which they openly considered an ”union of Christian countries” aiming to destroy ‘Islamic’ Turkey. Now, for them, membership in the EU is not a matter of conviction, but obviously, a political expediency. At this particular time, for Prime Minister Erdogan, both Democracy and EU membership is – in his own words- a “street car”, which will take them to their main political goal, and which they might abandon when they get there. Their goal, is to replace the Republic established by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk with a `”moderate Islamic Republic”, At this time, this goal and the plans of Europeans seem to collude,, but whether, ultimately, the secularism of Europe can accept an Islamic state in their midst, is an open question. Europeans, who seem to be apprehensive of the effects of Turkey’s growing young and dynamic population on the economy and politics of Europe should rather consider this real possibility.
We know well the historic atavistic actual and real financial reasons for the objection of many Europeans, as individuals, as NGO s and as political Parties. It will be difficult for the members of the European Commission and the European Parliament, to overcome these objections. Therefore it is quite possible that even if an arbitrary date for the beginning of negotiations is given at the EU Summit at the end of December, for April or July 2005, this will not be the guarantee of eventual membership .Obviously this will be done for political reasons: to keep Turkey hooked to the so called EU ‘process’ and to placate the restless Turkish public opinion and thus save the present Turkish government from loosing face and resulting crises. ,It is admitted that during the negotiations which might last for ten or fifteen years Turkey will be put to stiff tests with d new criteria and new requirements, not included in the original Copenhagen Criteria, but which will surely erode the Turkish Republican State and also emasculate the Turkish Armed Forces . EU has considered the sui generis, traditional role of the TAF, in the society and in the future of the regime, and the principles of Ataturk, contrary to the norms of Europe-. The Turkish Army which is surely the most respected institution in Turkey is the ultimate security of the Turkish Republic and of Ataturk’s heritage, which functions when other security valves fail. The problem is that the intentions of some European quarters concerning the role of the Army colludes with those of the ruling party, which obviously considers the TAF and what they call “the meddlesome Generals” ,the main obstacle against their plans to change the Turkish Republic fundamentally.
I feel that Europeans fail to understand that these factors are vital for us and if they are eliminated the result be fatal.
There is a fundamental error in the perception of Turkey’s historical course. The image of the “terrible Turks” whom Gladstone and his likes, wanted to send back to Central Asia, has been deeply engraved on collective European minds, but the historical, sincere quest of the Turks coming from Asia, has been, to become an integral part of the Western World, They sieged Vienna not for loot or rape, but for this ambition which is the legendary-mystical “`Red Apple” for the Turkish people. Also often neglected are the Ottoman-Turkish contributions to European culture and every day life. This legendary ambition of “Red Apple” ewas made a reality by Ataturk’s reforms of westernization- to attain the contemporary level of civilization.
The supporters of membership in the EU argue that Turkey can only achieve this through adoption of the EU criteria; Ataturk himself had said on several occasions that to carry out reforms according to the impositions and plans of the foreigners would be patently wrong. Indeed Turkey is not a former colony which needs foreign advice but a country with several centuries of statehood experience.
Obviously there would be many benefits for Turkey from EU membership but also Europe would benefit immensely from Turkey. If the course of becoming a member ,had not been made this tortuous – and in my opinion dishonorable with imposing `home works` not demanded from other candidate states, there would have been no problem. But now most of the Turks suspect there are ulterior motives and the European want a domesticated, emasculated Turkey, and only then - and perhaps accept us as a member in the year 2020. The crucial question is, whether, as an independent and honorable nation, we can entrust our future, our very existence into the hands of European countries whose intentions concerning Turkey are, to say the least, ambiguous and dubious.
Therefore, finally, my fervent hope is that a date for the start of negotiations will not be given at the end of December 2004 and we will be freed from the hook, so that we can go on our own way for our own national interests, with our own traditions, values and criteria.
ALTEMUR KILIÇ -Columnist, Retired Diplomat and former Director General of Information of Turkey

Yayın Tarihi : 3 Ağustos 2004 Salı 12:03:43

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